Tuesday, 27 March 2012

HSMAI Revenue Optimization Conference (ROC) To Focus On The Evolution Of Revenue Management

The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) will host its growing annual program focused on revenue management in Baltimore, Md., on June 25, 2012, at Sheraton City Center.

The HSMAI Revenue Optimization Conference (ROC), co-located with the annual HITEC show, is a one-day interactive program that discusses cutting-edge trends and best practices for companies in regard to revenue management including challenges, solutions and strategies to guide revenue optimization professionals. Attendees will be able to gain insight from industry experts at Wyndham, Kalibri Labs, RoomKey, Oliver Wyman, Avis, and many more.

“HSMAI is completely dedicated to keeping hospitality professionals the best in the industry, and the Revenue Optimization Conference is an integral part of that,” said Robert A. Gilbert, CHME, CHBA, president and CEO of HSMAI. “It is our mission to ensure each attending individual builds on their knowhow of revenue management and be well-informed of all aspects of the evolving industry, the challenges and how to effectively implement strategies to improve their businesses. HSMAI’s ROC has become a must-attend event within the hotel industry, with corporate and regional revenue professionals from more than 70 hotels companies in attendance in 2011.”

ROCketing the industry forward, the overall focus of ROC this year is the “Evolution of Revenue Management.” ROC is proudly organized by HSMAI’s Revenue Management Advisory Board and strives to encompass top-of-mind issues and trends in revenue management for the hospitality industry.

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